The unemployed total on Monday, December 29 ╤ 2,643,127 ╤ was the highest recorded since the unemployment insurance statistics began in 1921. It is a higher figure than was reached during the worst months of 1921, when the trade slump was aggravated by the coal stoppage.
It is not, however, likely that the figure will continue at quite this level, as the rise is to a large extent owing to the temporary closing down of works for extended holiday stoppages. Of the fortnight╒s increase 63,446 is among the ╥wholly unemployed╙ and 277,822 among the ╥temporarily stopped,╙ the number of whom has risen from 494,798 to 774,620.
A large increase in the ╥temporarily stopped╙ always occurs in the last week of the year, and a temporary rise of a quarter of a million is not unusual. This year the rise has been far greater than usual, and probably a considerable part of it will remain and be carried forward.
The official statement is as follows:╤
The Ministry of Labour makes the following announcement:╤
At December 29, 1930, the number of persons on the registers of employment exchanges in Great Britain were 1,766,393 wholly unemployed, 774,630 temporarily stopped, and 102,099 normally in casual employment, making a total of 2,643,127. This was 234,756 more than a week before and 1,131,896 more than a year before. The total on December 29, 1930, comprised 1,895,585 men, 67,141 boys, 623,209 women and 57,192 girls.